Christmas and New Year’s Day bring beautiful traditions that Costaricans celebrate with their families and friends. These traditions bring new words and phrases to learn and use in Spanish, for instance “Feliz Navidad” which means Merry Christmas and “Feliz Año …
Speaking Spanish fluently is the dream of many people and sometimes motivating yourself to reach that goal is difficult. With the internet you have many sources for accessing Spanish content. However, not all people know how to stay motivated, even …
Have you always dreamed of speaking Spanish? Would you like Spanish to bring you closer to a new world full of culture, gastronomy, art, literature, and music? Would you like to have the opportunity to meet people from Costa Rica, …
We believe that the best way to teach and learn Spanish is by using real-life situations that will give you confidence and prepare you for communication in Costa Rica. We teach you specific phrases and vocabulary, so you can communicate …