Learn Spanish from our Online Courses! Special Celebrations in Costa Rica!
In our Spanish lessons, celebrations is one of our favorite topics because we can teach our history and traditions. We talk about the foods eaten on those special days and what our government or families do in our communities or at home. Sharing this information allows us to transmit our identity as Costa Ricans and teach our students our vision of the world.
In September we have two celebrations, one is Children’s Day. It is celebrated on September the 9th. This celebration reminds us of the importance of to respect children and adolescents’ rights and to recognize the important future roles they have in society. For this celebration schools normally have civic acts and parties. This year, due to the pandemic the activities were done virtually. For instance, worshops, speeches and concerts were presented on social platforms such as Facebook.
The other celebration commemorated in September is Independence Day. It is celebrated on September the 15th. However, “ticos” (popular word to refer to people from Costa Rica) start this celebration at the beginning of the month, decorating their homes or workplaces. Before the pandemic (usually on September 14th), Costa Ricans used to sing the National Anthem at 6:00 p.m. in a civic act and after have a parade with homemade lanterns (faroles). The next day on September 15th, people would go to another civic act (at schools or high schools), after they would go to a parade where students and some institutions participated with bands and typical dances. This year Costa Rica celebrates 200 years of Independence. Unfortunately, because of COVID-19 we will not have parades this year. However, the government will present a special event to commemorate September 15th. It will be transmitted online and through TV where all people will be able to enjoy. In case you are interested in watching the event and to see what other activities they offer during this month; you can visit this website https://200costarica.go.cr/
Contact us, learn Spanish, and learn about our culture through our celebrations. Let’s enjoy the learning process.